Three Trending Colours This Season…

It probably comes as no surprise that I like colour. And it is exciting to see more of it make its way into the stores, even if the neutrals clearly aren’t going anywhere. But when a we see trending colours, just like when a specific fit or cut of clothing trends, I get a little nervous! We’ll end up seeing iterations of the trend across the high street and you’ll be guaranteed to be sat on the tube next to someone wearing exactly the same. The thing with trends is you might think you like them, but is it because you really like them that you are wearing them or because everyone else is wearing the same and you’re getting fomo? Anyone seen the barrel leg jean?! Trends can mean we get lost in the crowd and struggle to stand out, such a huge part of building your identity and taking up space.

And so I love to see people wear colour, but sometimes when we wear colours that don’t complement our complexion and natural  make up, we can end up with dark shadows, fine lines and a washed out face. Not to mention the fact that pairing colours together can take a little bit of time to get used to and so adding a trending colour into your wardrobe with no idea of how to style it can be really overwhelming. So I decided I would weigh in on three trending colours we’re starting to see for the Spring season and if I think they are hit or a miss!

Mocha Mousse

The Pantone colour of the year didn’t leave too much to the imagination. Think neutral brown and beige hues, leaning into the browns we have seen from previous seasons. As we’re moving into the vibrancy of spring, the warmer, softer hues of mocha mousse may help to compliment the warmth of the season. 

Working well through suede and accessories, it is a nice upgrade to harsh blacks or greys and can be combined with softer pinks or vibrant reds or blues depending on your preference.  

For my cooler skin toned girls, mocha mousse is a warm and earthy tone, so if you do want to try it, try accessories like bags or bottoms rather than anything too close to the face.

Plus I do love the addition of mocha mousse into make up to give a perfect natural glow.

Was I wowed by it though? I would have to say no. I was hoping for something from Pantone with a bit more energy and vibrancy, more so promised through the next colours!

Trending Colours - Mocha Mousse
Trending Colours - Turquoise
Image from Pinterest


Oo that bright pop of turquoise giving mermaid, peacock vibes. A colour I’m not mad to see more of. A recent dip into Mango and I saw it styled beautifully amongst browns and greys. But why stop there. One of my favourite combinations is vibrant turquoise and vibrant pink. They work so beautifuly together and give a tropical feel. Perfect for my bright spring girls or warm autumns, turquoise has quite a calming and serene feeling to it.

If pairing with neutrals I think the browns and greys work well for spring as opposed to a harsh black. Or try with a soft nude pink for a feminine feel.

If you struggle with more vibrant colours and find them overpowering you can add hints of turquoise through jewellery, especially for the warmer months in anklets, bracelets and rings.


I am in heaven! Tangerine or orange, literally my favourite colour and I’m so excited to see pops of it across the high street. Last year when red was trending I patiently waited for orange to make an appearance, such an under rated colour.

Tangerine adds such a fresh burst to the season, especially amongst all of the neutrals we see. Orange and green is such a beautiful combination for a contrast feel.

Or for something more toned down mix with browns and burgundy.

The only thing to note with orange is it is a warm colour and doesn’t work so well for my cooler season girls. Again if you do want to try it then experiment in smaller quantities in jewellery and accessories.

Am I loving the tangerine, yes! But do I think it is for everyone. Probably not.

Trending Colours - Tangerine

I really try my best not to be trend led so please know that when I do talk about trends it will be to see how they could work or be longer lasting that a one season job. Trending colours and patterns can be difficult because if they don’t work with other pieces in your wardrobe you may find yourself having to buy other items to complement the piece. It’s just not a sustainable way to shop. 

So when choosing the colours to try from the latest trends aks your self three questions:

  1. Do you really like the colour?
  2. Does it suit you and bring your features to life or complement other colours in your wardrobe?
  3. Will you wear it once the season ends and the trend has passed? 

If the answer is yes to all of those you might just be on to a winner!

Want to learn more about colour, then lets do a Colour Analysis together! You can book in for a Free Style Call here to learn more.


Neelam x

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