The end of Feb… How did that happen?! So many exciting things have happened this month and I’m getting closer to sharing them with you all and I cannot wait!

How are you feeling after the latest announcement? I pretty much avoid all news and get snippets here and there from family, friends or social media. When I heard about THE date… June 21st… I had a weird feeling in my stomach. My mind almost felt to itself, NOOOOO its too soon!

I have become such a creature of habit. I have time to do everything on my to do list at the moment, by working pretty much every hour I can. But I know that all that will change as life goes back to what it was in early 2020. And I feel anxious, scared but also excited! It’s such a strange and overwhelming set of emotions. And all the while my mind is thinking surely it’s too good to be true. Like the promises at Christmas there’s that fear that it will all be snatched away again.

Back to ‘Normal’

Speaking with a friend last week we talked about that anxiety more and the confidence to meet with people again, hold face to face conversations and return to a new normal. It’s almost scary. And I’ve seen so much over social media regarding body confidence! And it got me thinking that we have been through the toughest year not only as a result of Covid, but I’ve heard of so many personal struggles that people have been going through too. And yes for many of us we’ve seen big changes in our appearance. Weight and tone fluctuations (not necessarily just weight gain but in some cases weight loss due to stress), ageing through wrinkles and grey hairs, less personal grooming such as haircuts, manicures and other beauty treatments. As a collective it’s left us feeling pretty low. So the thought of then going back out into the world may seem a bit daunting.

Just remember that you aren’t alone. Be kind to yourself. You have just been through a year that carried a lot of change and trauma, can you blame your body for reacting in the way it has? So when I thought about writing about this topic I thought it would be useful from an aspiring Stylists point of view to give you some quick tips on how to get yourself style ready for the easing of restrictions at a pace that suits you.

Getting Style Ready


So my first tip is around beauty and personal grooming, super important when thinking about your style. Now I know we’ve all spent a bit more time on those self care Sundays doing our face masks which is going to be a great base for your skin. But equally I know there are so many beauty treatments that we have been missing out on. Why not get a few of those appointments booked in for when they are allowed. Pace it though, it may feel necessary to get everything done at once but think about the essentials first. Financially it may be a bit of a shock to your bank account so take your time with it. You’ll also have something to enjoy in small doses than all at once. Think about that hair cut and colour, getting a pretty manicure, going for a facial. Get pampered by someone else and if in the process you can support a small business that has been impacted by Covid then even better!

And if you can’t financially invest in this at the moment please don’t let the pressure of what other people are doing make you feel like you must be doing it too. Think about how you can start to work on those things yourself. For example, give yourself a nice blow dry. Paint your nails in your favourite shade, put on some light make up.

Tidy that wardrobe

Second, take a look through your wardrobe. It might feel overwhelming but once decluttered you will feel so much more prepared. Create some piles: Keep, Maybe, Get rid. Watch out on how big that maybe pile gets for you. Over the last year your style personality and your body shape are likely to have changed in some way. Are the clothes you are keeping enhancing your best features? Do they may you feel your best? I think going out into the world again will feel so much better if you feel comfortable in what you are wearing. Take some time to scan through Pinterest or some fashion magazines for some inspiration. And if you just aren’t sure what suits you anymore then why not book in with a Personal Stylist for a Style Session. They will be able to give you some great insight into what would best suit your body, the look that you want to achieve and how to inject colour that will compliment you.

Take your Time with your Style

Third tip… TAKE YOUR TIME! I had this plastered across my vision board from last year. We always feel a rush to have things in place instantly. This is going to be a process. You can even transition your clothing slowly. For example, moving from that loungewear to some comfortable fitted trousers instead of straight into jeans. Go from no make up to a little bit of coloured lip balm and a little blush on your cheeks. Move from trainers for your walk to a nice pair of shoes (especially with the weather taking a turn for the better). Its baby steps you can make to get you to the end point and feel style confident.

Everyone’s story is different in some way but we may all be feeling similar emotions. Know you aren’t alone and that you have a friendly ear here if you ever need it. Over the week I’ll share these tips through my Instagram posts to give you a highlight into how I’m starting to implement them.

Have a lovely Sunday!

P.s you can contact me through this form if you have any questions!

Love to you all

Neelam x

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